Meister Kreutzinger

Moderatoren: Heidrun Eichler, Johannes Meinel, Udo Kretzschmann

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Mi 18. Mai 2016, 10:07

Meister Kreutzinger

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Do you have information that meister (Joseph?) Kreutzinger worked for Migma cooperative at some point (1960s?) ?
This surname appears on the Migma label in a violin, hand written and without the first name.

Udo Kretzschmann
Beiträge: 555
Registriert: Do 02. Feb 2006, 11:16
Wohnort: Markneukirchen

Re: Meister Kreutzinger

Beitrag von Udo Kretzschmann »

Hi antero,

Josef Kreuzinger (afaik written in this way!) worked from 1947 until 1959 for MIGMA cooperative. He was born around 1905 in Schönbach (today Luby) in Czech republic.



Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Mi 18. Mai 2016, 10:07

Re: Meister Kreutzinger

Beitrag von antero »

Hi Udo,

Thank you very much for your reply!
I will check the label, I probably misspelled the family name.

But further - Migma was/is a Musikinstrumenten-Handwerker-Genossenschaft.
My violin looks pretty much handmade (made or not made personally by Hr Kreuzinger).

Was it ever so?
What was the role of the Meister, whose name was written in Migma label (during DDR-time) ?
Did Meister manufacture everything by himself or was he more like a head of the workshop ?

Udo Kretzschmann
Beiträge: 555
Registriert: Do 02. Feb 2006, 11:16
Wohnort: Markneukirchen

Re: Meister Kreutzinger

Beitrag von Udo Kretzschmann »

Hi antero,

Migma cooperative was and still is a cooperative of self-employed masters. So I am pretty sure that Josef Kreuzinger made his instruments himself.

The cooperative during DDR- time helped to procure material and also helped to sell the products. And I guess the government was glad to have it's eye on the entrepreneurs. Because the more prefered model were people-owned enterprises (VEB).



Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Mi 18. Mai 2016, 10:07

Re: Meister Kreutzinger

Beitrag von antero »

Thanks again, Udo!

Another question, if I may - do the numbers in the right lower corner of the typical Migma violin (or guitar) label carry any information of interest (time, etc) ?

