Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer

von makkaidani
Sa 21. Mär 2020, 14:39
Forum: Streichinstrumente und ihre Hersteller
Thema: Rubner Musima Kontrabass - help for identification
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 10834

Re: Rubner Musima Kontrabass - help for identification

Hi Udo,
A japanese instrument maker has a Johannes Rubner bass from 1988. He sent me the label.
rubner 88.jpg
rubner 88.jpg (54.36 KiB) 10815 mal betrachtet
Does it mean that the Rubner munfacture made basses for Musima at that time and others as Johannes Rubner instruments?
Still questioning the difference of quality.


von makkaidani
Fr 20. Mär 2020, 23:35
Forum: Streichinstrumente und ihre Hersteller
Thema: Rubner Musima Kontrabass - help for identification
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 10834

Re: Rubner Musima Kontrabass - help for identification

Hello Udo, Thank you for this valuable information. If you don't mind I would have further questions. Are there any difference in quality between the Rubner basses before 84 and after? I couldn't find any Rubners on the web with Musima label and any Johannes Rubner manufacture label between 82 and 9...
von makkaidani
Do 19. Mär 2020, 1:03
Forum: Streichinstrumente und ihre Hersteller
Thema: Rubner Musima Kontrabass - help for identification
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 10834

Rubner Musima Kontrabass - help for identification

Sorry I don't speak german. Could you please help me to identify my double bass? Which date? The maker was somebody from Rubner family or just the label was used? Is it a real Rubner bass at all? Find the pictures attached. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zYj6VgJ_cUSmlwkr4c_-t-AbGmnd1_6T https://d...